Privacy Policy

Ground.2019 informs users of the website about its policy regarding the treatment and protection of personal data of users and customers that may be collected by browsing, purchasing products through its website.


In this sense, Ground.2019 guarantees compliance with current regulations on the protection of personal data, reflected in Organic Law 15/1999 of December 13, Protection of Personal Data and in Royal Decree 1720/2007 , of December 21, which approves the Development Regulation of the LOPD, and in the General Regulation of Data Protection (RGPD) (EU) 2016/679.



The Client or User declares that all the information provided is true and correct and undertakes to keep it updated, notifying Ground.2019 of any modification thereof. The user will be responsible for the veracity of their data and will be solely responsible for any conflicts or litigation that may result from their falsity. Otherwise, we cannot answer for its veracity.



The LOPD and the GDPR grant interested parties the possibility of exercising a series of rights related to the processing of their personal data. As long as the user's data is processed by Ground.2019, they may exercise their rights. To do this, the user must go, providing documentation proving their identity (ID or passport), by email to our CONTACT page. Said communication must reflect the following information: Name and surname of the user, the application request, address and supporting data.

The exercise of rights must be carried out by the user himself. However, they may be executed by an authorized person as the legal representative of the authorized person. In this case, the documentation that proves this representation of the interested party must be provided.

The user may request the exercise of the following rights:

  • Right to request access to personal data.
  • Right to request their rectification (in case they are incorrect) or deletion.
  • Right to request the limitation of your treatment, in which case they will only be kept by ground.2019 for the exercise or defense of claims.
  • Right to oppose the treatment: ground.2019 will stop processing your data, unless for legitimate reasons or the exercise or defense of possible claims they must continue to be processed.
  • Right to data portability: in the event that you want your data to be processed by another firm, ground.2019 will facilitate the portability of your data to the new person in charge.
  • Contact information to exercise your rights: using the form in the section

In the event that consent has been granted for a specific purpose, the user has the right to withdraw consent at any time, but the content published or used for commercial purposes with prior consent would not be withdrawn until after the agreed commercial campaign. (Christmas, Black Friday, Spring, Summer…etc.) If a user considers that there is a problem with the way in which ground.2019 is handling their data, they can address their claims to the Security Manager or to the data protection authority that corresponds, being the European Committee for Data Protection (CEPD) the one indicated in the case of Spain and England.


The personal data provided will be kept as long as the commercial relationship is maintained or you do not request its deletion and during the period for which legal responsibilities could arise for the services provided.

Ground.2019 guarantees that the legally required levels of security for the protection of personal data have been adopted, and has installed all the means and measures of a technical, personal and organizational nature at its disposal to guarantee the confidentiality, integrity and quality of the information. , as well as to prevent the loss, misuse, alteration, unauthorized access and theft of the personal data provided.


Ground.2019, will process your personal data collected through its website for the following purposes:

1.- Management of contact with the user and customer service.

2.- Management of the contractual relationship derived from the acquisition of products from the online store.

3.- Management, where appropriate, of commercial communications, including by electronic means.

4.- Analysis of the behavior of users on the website in order to improve the usability of the service or our advertising campaigns, using cookies.


This Privacy Policy is only applicable to the website, understanding as such all the pages and subpages included in it, and Ground.2019 declines any responsibility for the different privacy policies and protection of personal data that the web pages may contain. which can be accessed through the hyperlinks located on this website and are not directly managed by Ground.2019

Ground.2019 in application of current regulations on the protection of personal data, informs that the personal data collected through the forms on the Website:, are included in the automated files specific to users of Ground.2019 services.

The personal data collected through the Website will not be transferred to any third party, except in specific cases in which said transfer is covered by the LOPD (Organized Law for Personal Protection) and can only be accessed by staff of Ground.2019, as well as by those third parties that provide services to Ground.2019 related to the aforementioned purposes.

Ground.2019 adopts the necessary measures to guarantee the security, integrity and confidentiality of the data in accordance with the provisions of Regulation (EU) 2016/679 of the European Parliament and of the Council, of April 27, 2016, regarding the protection of natural persons with regard to the processing of personal data and their free circulation, as well as following the guidelines of the control authority (Spanish Agency for Data Protection) on the matter.


The information provided by the client will, in any case, be considered confidential, without it being able to be used for other purposes than those related to the contracted services or products purchased from Ground.2019. Ground.2019 undertakes not to disclose or reveal information about the client's claims, the reasons for the requested advice or the duration of their relationship with it.


Ground.2019 reserves the right to modify this Privacy Policy in accordance with the applicable legislation at any time. Therefore, we recommend that you periodically review this Privacy Policy to be informed of how the personal data you provide us is treated and protected.


The intellectual property rights of the content of the Web page, its graphic design and logos are owned by Ground.2019 and, therefore, its reproduction, distribution, public communication and transformation is prohibited, except for personal and private use. Likewise, all trade names, trademarks or distinctive signs of any kind of content on the Ground.2019 website are protected by law.


Ground.2019 will carry out commercial communication with all users/clients through email and other equivalent electronic means of communication. Ground.2019 will not send any commercial message to any recipient that has not previously been requested or expressly authorized by the recipients of the same through the purchase or subscription to their newsletter.

IMPORTANT ANNOUNCEMENT: To be part of the community of registered users of GROUND.2019, the USER must be at least eighteen (18) years of age. Therefore, by making a purchase or registering in our bulletin/Newsletter, the USER guarantees that he is of legal age and will be entirely responsible for this declaration. GROUND.2019 may require the USER, at any time, to verify their age by providing the corresponding identification document.