Nuestro compromiso con el medio ambiente - ¿Nos ayudas a ayudar?

Our commitment to the environment - Will you help us help?

Can you help us help?

From day one, we were clear that ground. it had to be a brand committed to the environment. Therefore, one of the principles of ground. is to be ECO-FRIENDLY and create the least possible impact on the environment. As our friends tell us, “you are, but you have to say it more”. That is why last week we asked you if you knew of any environmental initiative with which we could contribute our grain of sand and several of you told us about 🏃NoplanB♻️ #deS🌍laS☀️l

🏃NoplanB♻️ #deS🌍laS☀️l It is a local non-profit initiative that will take place in Alcudia de Crespins (Valencian Community) on November 14. 🏃NoplanB♻️ #deS🌍laS☀️l consists of a waste collection marathon (plastics, cans, etc.) in natural environments in the area from sunset until it goes down. We got in touch with its organizers to find out a little more about them, we found it a very interesting initiative and we decided to collaborate with them.

From ground. We have provided an OLIVE cap to be raffled among the participants and thus encourage more people to join this excellent initiative to care for the environment. Many thanks to @santiripla for allowing us to collaborate with this initiative.

We hope it will be the first of many actions in which we can do our bit and contribute to caring for the environment.

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